| If we could offer up relationship advise to anyone, we would say "be friends with the person first", because when its all said and done, that's what your relationship is built on - friendship. Over, 18 years ago we met and became very good friends, neither of us ever thought that this is where we'd be right now, but life certainly has a way of shaking things up, and in our case, boy did things get shook up. 3 short years later, we were living together, raising my daughter Amanda and pregnant with our first baby. Before Rhyan was even out of diapers along came Callum completeing our family. We often spoke about getting married, but life never really offered us the right opportunity - we always seemed to be so busy with bottles and diapers to even think about ourselves. Finally, after 15 years of love & committment to eachother, (and a heck of a lot of 'poopy' diapers) we will take that final step and join our souls together in matrimony. The best part, we get to do this with our children as our witnesses...who could ask for anything more :) |